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The Chicago School Lingo

Here you can find break downs of commonly used lingo!


Office of Placement and Training

A student enrolled in an academic program that requires training for fieldwork is supported by a department faculty member associated with the Office of Placement and Training (OPT). OPT is responsible for all aspects of training including guiding a student through site selection, supporting a student during the placement process, and consulting on professional development and related issues.


Leave of Absence

From time to time, circumstances might compel students to take some time away from their program. These breaks in enrollment are formally recognized as leaves of absence (LOA). Eligibility and requesting a leave of absence can be found in the Student Handbook.


Institutional Review Board

The Institutional Review Board examines all human subjects research proposals developed by students and faculty at The Chicago School. This review focuses on minimizing risks to participants, ensuring voluntary participation, and protecting participant's privacy and confidentiality.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974

FERPA grants a student certain rights with respect to the education record, including the right to inspect the education record, to request an amendment of the record that the student believes is inaccurate, and the right to control disclosures of the record except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.


Director of Clinical Training

The Director of Clinical Training shall oversee all departmental training responsibilities. The Director of Clinical Training plays an important role in guiding the clinical program and in exploring procedures and options for providing better clinical training.


Department Chair

A Department Chair is the direct supervisor of the faculty. The Department/Program Chair is responsible for overseeing enrollment, instructional quality, scheduling, department financial management, preparation from programmatic accreditation, assessment of student learning and program improvement, and supervision of faculty and other department administrators.


Chicago School Student Association

The Chicago School Student Association (CSSA) of California exists to meet the needs and serve the interests of all students at The Chicago School in California.


Academic Development Plan

An ADP is used to support a student in the successful completion of a degree program. Visit The Chicago School Student Handbook to learn about Academic Development Plans. Click the "Students Rights and Responsibilities" section for the ADP policy. A student who fails to successfully complete an ADP may be referred to SCS.


Student Community Standards

SCS is The Chicago School's student conduct process. SCS is a university-level function, and referrals to SCS are adjudicated by the Dean for Student Success or a college-specific panel.


Academic Development Plan

An ADP is used to support a student in the successful completion of a degree program. Visit The Chicago School Student Handbook to learn about Academic Development Plans. Click the "Students Rights and Responsibilities" section for the ADP policy. A student who fails to successfully complete an ADP may be referred to SCS.


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